Pre-Field Orientation

Training for Cross-Cultural Ministry

January 12-15, 2025
Bothell, Washington

Pre-field orientation is a required 3.5 day cross-cultural ministry training for Upstream Sending appointees. The orientation is focused on developing pre-field missionaries holistically in the areas of knowledge, character, and skills for life and ministry cross-culturally.

Pre-field orientation includes the following elements: 

    • Biblical and theological teaching.

    • Teaching on healthy missiology and mission practice.

    • Discussion about skills related to thriving in life and ministry overseas.

    • Reviewing policies and systems related to being an Upstream Sending employee.

    • Learning the culture and values of Upstream Sending.

    • Times of worship, reflection, and community.

Registration closes December 1

Speakers & Facilitators

  • Darren Logan

    Director of Pre-Field Ministry
    Upstream Sending

    Darren focuses on helping churches mobilize their people for mid and long-term missions, oversees the sending process, and oversees the training program for new missionaries. He served as a frontline missionary and team leader for many years among unreached people groups in Eurasia and the Middle East.

  • Nathan Sloan

    Executive Director
    Upstream Sending

    Nathan provides overall direction and leadership to Upstream Sending. Before coming to Upstream, he served midterm overseas and then spent most of ministry working as a missions pastor raising up, sending out, and pastoring missionaries. He is also the author of You Are Sent: Finding Your Place in God’s Global Mission.

  • Justin Dodson

    Field Network Director
    Upstream Sending

    Justin serves sent ones, leaders within the Field Network, and our US-based sending churches. He focuses on building, growing, and leading the Field Network, which makes up the places, churches, and people we send to. In this role he seeks to encourage and coach the Field Network Leaders.

  • JK

    Field Network Leader
    North Africa

    James and his family live and work in a large global city in North Africa where they lead a team of sent ones, run a business, and do ministry alongside the local church.

  • Coming soon...

    We are still securing the speakers and facilitators for pre-field orientation. Please check back and see who will be leading our sessions.


Sunday, January 12

1:00 PM | Opening

2:00 PM | Session 1

3:30 PM | Session 2

4:30 PM | Dinner

6:00 PM | Worship at Canyon Hills Community Church

Monday, January 13

8:00 AM | Devotion & Worship

9:00 AM | Session 3

10:30 AM | Session 4

12:00 PM | Lunch

2:00 PM | Session 5

4:00 PM | Session 6

6:00 PM | Dinner

7:30 PM | Evening Event

Tuesday, January 14

8:00 AM | Devotion & Worship

9:00 AM | Session 7

10:30 AM | Session 8

12:00 PM | Lunch

2:00 PM | Session 9

4:00 PM | Session 10

6:00 PM | Dinner

7:30 PM | Evening Event

Wednesday, January 15

8:00 AM | Devotion & Worship

9:00 AM | Session 11

10:30 AM | Session 12

12:30 AM | Lunch & Closing


Canyon Hills Community Church (CHCC) is a multicultural suburban church located in Bothell, a suburban community about 30 miles north of Seattle, Washington. CHCC has a rich history of global sending and is a sending network church of Upstream Sending.

Canyon Hills Community Church

22027 17th Avenue SE
Bothel, WA 98021 | (425) 488-4121


Please plan to arrive in Bothell, Washington, no later than Saturday, January 11, 2025. If you are coming in from out of town the best airport to fly into is the Seattle-Tacoma (SEATAC) international airport. There is a light rail system that goes from SEATAC to within a few miles of the CHCC campus. If you would like to do that please let us know and we can arrange a pick up for you. However, if you would rather rent your own vehicle at SEATAC and drive yourself to Bothell, you may do that as well. Either way, please do inform us of your plans. 

NOTE: Please make the necessary arrangements for the care of your children as there will be no childcare or children’s program provided.


Upstream Sending will arrange for your low cost accommodations near the church campus. We will provide these details to you prior to the orientation.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Registration closes on December 1. Please book your spots before then so we will have sufficient time to prepare.

  • We are committed to keeping your expenses for orientation as low as possible. Costs will cover meals, snacks, lodging, and orientation materials. These orientation costs will be deducted from your support account once the final costs have been determined. 

    You can make your own transportation arrangements to and from orientation, and request reimbursement for that expense from your support funds.

  • We ask people to arrive in Bothell, Washington, no later than the evening of January 11, 2025.

  • Not necessary unless you prefer to get one from SEATAC Airport.

  • Please make the necessary arrangements for the care of your children as there will be no childcare or children’s program provided.