General Fund
Upstream Sending is a faith-based organization meaning all our missionaries (sent ones) raise their own support. Your sacrificial giving makes a difference in the work of the Kingdom and in the life of the missionary you support. Thank you!
Checks can be sent to:
Upstream Sending
P.O. Box 533
Louisville, KY 40201
Our DonateStock page enables you to donate stock from your brokerage directly to our account through a secure portal, making the gifting process fast, safe and easy.
Upstream Sending is a Foreign Business Entity of The Upstream Collective, a Section 501 (c)(3) organization. All gifts to Upstream Collective (Sending) are deductible to the full extent allowed by law as charitable contributions for federal and state income tax purposes. Under U.S. tax law, Upstream Sending has complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds.
Contributions are solicited with the understanding that The Upstream Collective (Sending) has complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds.
Donate to the work of GCF carried out through the ministry of The Upstream Collective.
Contact us to give other Non-Cash Gifts.
By clicking one of the buttons above you can pay using ACH (bank account and routing information), all major credit cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Microsoft Pay.