Josh & Amanda Monroe

Cross-Cultural Missionaries

The Monroes met in 5th grade on a short-term trip with Canyon Hills Community Church in Bothell, WA. Josh’s family spent 9 years building churches and serving in Chile. After graduating college, he had the opportunity to visit Japan and connect with a church in Nagoya. He later returned to complete a year and half long internship doing college ministry and teaching English alongside local missionaries from Canyon Hills. When Josh and Amanda reconnected, she had recently moved home to the Seattle area after teaching high school Spanish for 4 years in Spokane, WA and pursuing missions opportunities in Central America.

During their time at Canyon Hills, the Lord opened both of their eyes to understand the need for Christian workers among unreached people groups, specifically in the country of Japan. A nation of over 123 million people, less than 2% of Japanese are considered to be Christian adherent, with less than 0.5% being truly followers of Christ.

Josh and Amanda are passionate about evangelism, discipleship, and church planting among the unreached, and are currently serving in Nagoya, Japan. Please pray for them as they study the Japanese language, build relationships with neighbors and classmates, and serve in a local church plant.

Thank you for being a vital part of the Monroes' ministry.