Global Fund
What is the Global Fund? The Global Fund is Upstream Collective and Upstream Sending’s annual end of the year giving focused on empowering the Global Church, training and sending Western and non-Western missionaries, and developing and translating resources needed for sending well.
If you would like to give via check, please put Global Fund in the memo line and send your check to:
The Upstream Collective
900 E Jefferson Street
Louisville, KY 40206
If you would like to pledge an amount to give to The Upstream Collective in the year 2025, please use the link below.
You can follow up with payment at another time.
Empowering a Global Movement
2024 Global Fund
We’re at a pivotal moment at Upstream, uniquely positioned to equip and mobilize more churches worldwide for the sake of the gospel.
For over 16 years, Upstream Collective has focused on one goal: helping the local church reclaim its place in the Great Commission. Today, we are reaching over 5,000 churches across the globe through our weekly resources and specialized training. Over 500 church leaders have participated in cohorts, empowering them to mobilize their own communities for missional impact. Our work in resource development has produced 12 books, with 4 more coming in 2025! Many of these have been translated to reach more churches in their native languages. We are also building a growing network of missionaries on the field, carrying the gospel to some of the most challenging places around the world.
Why We Need You
It’s clear that there is a growing need for the next generation of churches to live out the Great Commission with a vision and strategy for healthy sending. As Upstream continues to grow, we need your help to sustain and enhance this work.
Your contribution will directly help us build capacity, expand our network, and deepen our impact among churches and missionaries around the globe. With your partnership, we will see more churches mobilized and more communities transformed by the power of the gospel.
Join us in empowering the next generation of churches for the Great Commission.
Here are some projects we are developing:
Global Ministry Hub
We believe this is necessary for pre-field training, a global base of operations, and on-field member care. Having a base of operations directly on the mission field will allow our team of leaders to more quickly and effectively support our missionaries and Global Church leaders. We have the staff, the ministry expertise, and the vision to execute this plan, but we lack the finances to do it well.
Equipping the
Global Sending Church
For fifteen years Upstream has been equipping Western churches to send well. However, equipping other parts of the global church to send has the power to advance the gospel like never before. This project will allow for the translation of essential Upstream books and resources into major languages such as Spanish, Portuguese, Mandarin, Arabic, and French.