Sending Church Gathering


Thank you!

Thank you for taking time out of your schedules to come and play a meaningful role in this year’s Sending Church Gathering. We pray the event was helpful to you, your leadership, and the missions ministry of your church.

Below is a simple recap of the event including links to documents, slides, and more. Please take time to work back through this content and consider how you can apply some of these principles to your church and sending ministry.

As always, please let me know how I can serve you and your church.

Nathan Sloan
Executive Director

Session Notes & Slides

*Links are in bold

What’s Coming Next?

As you enjoy the Christmas season and look to the New Year, keep your eye out for the following things from us in the first part of 2023:

  • Slack - We’ll be rolling out a Slack group for our Sending Network. Slack is an app based communication tool and we will use it to stay connected, ask questions of each other, and share best practices. If Slack is new for you, here’s a quick overview video.

  • Leader’s calls - In the New Year we will start a regular leader’s Zoom call focused on leader development and learning from other church leaders in the Network. We’re still working on the details but you can expect a variety of people to facilitate these calls - maybe even you!

  • Road Trip - Finally, I’m planning to take a road trip across the country sometime in the first half of the year. I will be visiting with churches and leaders in our Sending Network. I’ll share meals, work on missions strategy, preach and teach, and do other things to serve our churches. If spending a day together in your location would be helpful, just shoot me an email at