Interdependent Sending
The missionary, the sending church, the field, and the sending organization all need one another. We are committed to building a model of intentional interdependence, especially between Upstream Sending and the sending church, a model that necessitates us working together. This means that the organization and the sending church work so closely that we can’t succeed unless both of us do our parts.
Flexible Sending Pathways
We’ve established sending pathways that can flex based on the specific situation and the capacity of the sending church.
If a church wants to send a marketplace worker that requires less funding but needs a healthy team to join, we can do that. If a church wants to send a church-based team and needs pre-field training and on-field strategy, we can do that. If a church wants to send a missionary family to join one of our established teams, we can do that as well.
Upstream Sending is an evangelical, gospel-centered sending agency. We are guided by a clear theological statement and a set of missiological values, both rooted in historical creeds. These broad yet clear values allow us to be theologically rooted while also exercising a level of flexibility in belief and practice. Partnering with Upstream involves each sending church, missionary, and field leader acknowledging their alignment with our theology and missiology, and then exercising their freedom to shape their own practices with those as the center.
Our model of ministry is built upon two leader networks, the Sending Network and the Field Network.
The Sending Network is our community of partner churches and church leaders in the United States dedicated to authentic relationships, sharing best practices, and joining forces to advance the gospel around the world.
The Field Network is our community of global missions leaders that receive new missionaries and lead our field teams. These leaders are national and international pastors, western missionaries, and others committed to reaching the nations together.
Ongoing Relationship
We believe that our relationship with a sending church shouldn’t have an expiration date.
We want regular conversation and mutual availability with missions pastors and church leaders. This is so important to us that it’s a fixed part of our structure. The same principle extends to the missionaries and trusted global leaders we work with.
Gospel Renewal
God wants non-Christians to hear the gospel and believe. He also desires those who already know him to be renewed in the gospel daily.
As we work with churches to send their people to the nations, we’ve built this culture of gospel renewal into the way we train, mentor, and service missionaries, church, and field leaders. We deeply believe that those serving in God’s global mission should be serving out of the overflow of their abiding life with Jesus.
Ready to partner?
Let’s start a conversation.