Bradley Bell

Executive Director of Equipping and Books

Bradley will be serving as the executive director overseeing the equipping of sending churches and the publication of Upstream books. This will include his gifts of writing and teaching to influence missiology and catalyze sending throughout the global church.

Bradley brings to the role over twenty years of experience as a missionary, missions pastor, and lead pastor. He is the author of multiple Upstream books, including The Sending Church Defined. He also writes for numerous publications, which are compiled at

Bradley is married to Katie, and they have four daughters, all named after missionaries: Elisabeth, Charlotte, Anneliese, and Madeleine. They live in Louisville, Kentucky.

To join Bradley's financial support team, click the button for online giving, or to give by check write to The Upstream Collective, include Bradley Bell in the memo line, and mail to:

The Upstream Collective
900 E Jefferson St, Suite A
Louisville, KY 40206

To join Bradley's prayer support team or to receive more information, click the Email button below.